What’s Happening

at Christ Our Redeemer

Our Rhythms

at Christ Our Redeemer

First Sunday Gatherings

Every first Sunday of the month, our church gathers with a particular emphasis on building and being a community. On these Sundays, we enjoy what’s often referred to as covenant worship, where we have our children join us for the entirety of our worship service. Through passing the peace and a bit more energetic than usual sermon times, we exercise our muscles of being together as an entire community on these Sundays.

After our worship services on these first Sundays of the month, we’ll have a time of lunch fellowship. As our COR Eats Team organizes the week before, it’s a potluck lunch fellowship, where food is assembled through a particular theme each month. The members of Christ Our Redeemer have the opportunity to grab a notecard in the back of our worship hall to commit to bringing and sharing something to eat for these meals.

As we sit around tables and feed hungry mouths, it’s our delight to have our community come around for filling conversations mixed with hearty laughters and content stomachs. If you’re new and/or visiting, it’s our joy to serve you and have you enjoy a meal with us — no need to bring anything but your presence and willingness to be known.

Community Groups

We have two semesters of Community Groups (fall and winter/spring). Every group has their own patterns of meeting together (time and day of the week, frequency, etc.), but the commitment is coming together regularly in order to foster deeper conversations of safety and growth. You can learn more about our Community Groups here. It’s a vital part of being known and knowing others here at Christ Our Redeemer.

In the off months, our church stays busy. During the months of December and January, we take a break from organized mid-week gatherings to honor the busyness of end of year spontaneities, along with holiday gatherings. During the summer months, we engage together in Affinity Groups. These are interest-based groups (i.e. Brewery, Board Game, Paddle Sports, etc.) that come together regularly for a time of fun and building bridges. 

Youth Group

Our youth students meet together twice a month on the second and fourth Wednesdays from 7:00-9:00pm at the Wong home in Camarillo, CA. Students come together to meet with Pastor Jon and the Youth Team for a time of learning, fun, and discussion. Most Wednesdays, the students will gather for a Bible Study.

But on occasional meetings, the group will do something food and fun-related together. For any questions about our Students Ministry, reach out to Pastor Jon here

General Session Meetings

Our church values transparency, communication, and plurality when it comes to leadership and guiding our church. That goes for the way we come to decisions, along with discussions that lead to those decisions. The Session consists of elders (teaching elders, otherwise known as pastors, along with ruling elders, otherwise known as lay elders) who have been ordained and installed as representatives of the people of Christ Our Redeemer. Our General Session meetings, while lead and guided by our Session, are open to the public, for anyone who would like to join us. We usually meet on the third Monday evening of every month. Please contact Pastor Sun, if you’re interested in attending by clicking here, and he’ll fill you in on when and where exactly the meeting will take place. 

Upcoming Events

at Christ Our Redeemer

Membership Classes

We have our membership classes on Sundays, October 20 and 27 from 8:45-9:45am at Rancho Campana High School (where we have Sunday worship service). We’ll be meeting in our Nursery classroom adjacent to the worship hall (school cafeteria). For these two weeks, we’ll look into (1) what we believe, and (2) what it means to become a member at Christ Our Redeemer. These classes are for those who are interested in potentially joining our church as members, along with those who are curious about who we are and what we believe.

Please let Pastor Sun know that you will be attending, if it’s your desire to join one or both of the classes here. There will be donuts provided for those who will be attending.