Family Ministries

Our family ministries come alongside parents in the discipleship of their children. Here at Christ Our Redeemer, we believe that parents are the primary disciple-makers for their children. And we at Christ our Redeemer have covenanted to walk alongside our parents and children to provide teaching through all of God’s Word, support through shared rhythms and accountability, and relationships in community. 

This is a church where children are known and loved.

We partner with parents by teaching children the Bible in a safe and fun environment where the Story of the Gospel plants seeds for all of life. Our children and students are vital members of our community. And it is our aim to create a culture of grace for our children to grow and to be discipled and for our students to ask questions and to find belonging in the transforming safety of the Gospel community.

Discipleship involves the entire community. Our family ministries come alongside our parents to disciple children in Christ. 


at Christ Our Redeemer

Children in Worship

We involve our children into life with us here in our community, which includes our Sunday worship services. We believe that worship central for all of life and discipleship, making it integral for not only adults but for our kids and students. We welcome the extra noises, movements, and energies of our young ones, as they learn to worship God alongside the rest of us. We love our children here at Christ Our Redeemer, and it’s our desire to see them grow with us toward deeper friendship with Jesus. 


We have a Nursery for those ages 0-3 on the second, third, and fourth Sundays of each month. Our Nursery classroom is located next to our worship hall. Parents will check in their children right before the sermon and pick them up right after the sermon. Our Nursery Team will provide a time for fun with toys, singing songs, and story time during the sermon. Our favorites include The Jesus Storybook Bible, The Biggest Story ABC, and What Are Eyes For? If you have additional questions regarding our Nursery, please direct your questions here.

Kids Classes

We have Kids classes available for children ages 4+ during the sermon on the second, third, and fourth Sundays of each month. Our Kids classroom is located next to our worship hall. Parents will check in their children right before the sermon and pick them up after the sermon. Our Kids Team will provide a time for age-appropriate learning. We currently use The Gospel Project (by Lifeway) as a curriculum to guide the lessons for our Kids Ministry. For more information about our Kids classes, please direct your questions here.


at Christ Our Redeemer


Our students (grades 6+) stay with the adults for worship service on Sundays. We encourage our students to be involved in the worship service through listening, singing, and participating in service.

Youth Group Gatherings

Our youth students meet together twice a month on the second and fourth Wednesdays from 7:00-9:00pm at the Wong home in Camarillo, CA. Students come together to meet with Pastor Jon and the Youth Team for a time of learning, fun, and discussion. Most Wednesdays, the students will gather for a Bible Study. But on occasional meetings, the group will do something food and fun-related together. For any questions about our Students Ministry, reach out to Pastor Jon here.