Gospel Community


In an age of increasing isolation and skepticism of neighbor, we combat against the growing patterns of individualism and exclusivism through habited rhythms of gathering. Here are some of the ways our habits of life together continue to form us not just to be a crowd but a communing congregation.

First Sunday Gatherings

Every first Sunday of the month, our church gathers with a particular emphasis on building and being a community. On these Sundays, we enjoy what’s often referred to as covenant worship, where we have our children join us for the entirety of our worship service. Through passing the peace and a bit more energetic than usual sermon times, we exercise our muscles of being together as an entire community on these Sundays.

After our worship services on these first Sundays of the month, we’ll have a time of lunch fellowship. As our COR Eats Team organizes the week before, it’s a potluck lunch fellowship, where food is assembled through a particular theme each month. As we sit around tables, we share stories and conversations, we share hunger and contentment. If you’re new and/or visiting, it’s our joy to serve you and have you enjoy a meal with us — no need to bring anything but your presence and willingness to be known.

Community Groups

We believe that meeting regularly builds meaningful relationships and community. And so, we gather as families and in co-ed groups to discuss, to pray, and to sit around the table with one another. Our rhythm is to study the passage that will be preached on the following Sunday, to engage our whole community around God’s Word. Each group has its own patterns and frequencies in meeting together but toward the common purpose of deeper and more intentional community.

We have two semesters of Community Groups (fall and winter/spring). Every group has their own patterns of meeting together (time and day of the week, frequency, etc.), but the commitment is coming together regularly in order to foster deeper conversations of safety and growth.

In the off months, our church stays busy. During the months of December and January, we take a break from organized mid-week gatherings to honor the busyness of end of year spontaneities and gatherings. During the summer months, we engage together in Affinity Groups.

Affinity Groups

During the summer months, we participate in what we call Affinity Groups. These are interest-based groups (i.e. Brewery, Board Game, Paddle Sports, etc.) that come together regularly for a time of fun and building bridges. We believe that God created us for community and for us to enjoy His common gifts — that while much of creation has been stained by sin, creation is good and for our enjoyment. We come together in the freedom we have in Christ to celebrate God’s goodness in all of life. In laughter and soul satisfaction, we aim our gatherings toward friendships and deeper belonging. 

Our Community Groups

  • 01 Hutchinson CG (Camarillo)

    Hosts: Sam & Lindsey

    Weekly Tuesdays from 7:00-8:30pm

    Until April 29

  • 02 Indiran CG (Ventura)

    Hosts: Eric & Janice

    1st and 3rd Thursdays from 6:30-8:00pm

    Until May 15

  • 03 Kwak CG (Camarillo)

    Hosts: Sun & Judy

    Weekly on Thursdays from 6:00-8:00pm

    February 20 to May 22


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